Create Simple JavaMobile Program

Hello there. This program is creating by NetBeans IDE 6.9.1. 

How this program work?
I will explain to you how this program working. First, i build this program for mobile application actually in java. Mmmm, So this is a simple program, and when this program running it will display two main menu which you can choice, that is HelloMidlet and Task01 for this situation i recommended you to choice Task01. When you have choice it, you will go to the next display and you will able to select two choice between exit and why, i recommended you choice why. And next you will see alert message. So thats all. :)

And this is for source code of
package hello;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
* @author taufik 
 public class Task01 extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
Display display;Form mainForm;StringItem helloAlertString;Command exitCommand = new Command ("Exit", Command.EXIT,1);Command whyCommand = new Command ("Why?", Command.OK,1);Command backCommand = new Command ("Back", Command.BACK,1);Alert helloAlert;
public Task01 (){helloAlertString = new StringItem("Hello World, My is Taufik Gunawan","Did you now why i'm made this program?");mainForm = new Form("Task01", new Item[] { helloAlertString});mainForm.addCommand(exitCommand);mainForm.addCommand(whyCommand);mainForm.setCommandListener(this);helloAlert = new Alert("Reason","This program is the first task of JavaMobile Lesson at MI-6B. My Teacher ask to us for create simple javamobile program and posting it in own blog. So i di it. :) ", null,AlertType.INFO);helloAlert.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER);helloAlert.addCommand(backCommand);helloAlert.setCommandListener(this);}    public void startApp() {if (display==null){display = Display.getDisplay(this);}display.setCurrent(mainForm);}public void pauseApp() {}public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {}public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d){if (c == exitCommand){destroyApp(true);notifyDestroyed(); // Exit}if (c == whyCommand){    display.setCurrent(helloAlert,d);}if(c == backCommand){    display.setCurrent(mainForm);}    }

And for the output :